At SADA, we believe in variety…

And our class schedule reflects that. We understand that movement is a language that the body speaks and we're here to help you become fluent. Every class is an opportunity for growth - not just in skill, but also in confidence and self-expression.

Explore our class schedule and find the perfect class for you.

But first … Let’s answer a few FAQ’s about classes at SADA.

  • Signing up for classes at SADA is simple. Head over to this link to create a free Bookee account and then select the class you’d like to sign up for.

  • Hey there newbie! Welcome to your new passion. We recommend starting with Intro to Pole. This class was created, just for you, to introduce you to the world of Pole.

    Wear/bring a sleeveless shirt and shorts that aren’t to long for maximum grip. Don’t forget a bottle of water andHead over to this link

    Head over to this link to create a free Bookee account and then select your first pole class!

  • We do! Currently, we have one weekly yoga class plus weekly choreography and basework.

  • We recommend:
    - wearing a tank top and shorts that expose your thighs
    - knee pads, if you have them
    - heels, if taking a low flow or basework class
    - a water bottle

    Please do not wear jewelry or lotion as this will interfere with your grip.

  • Absolutely! Our classes are designed for individuals at all levels of fitness and dance experience. You do not need a prior background in dance or fitness to start with us.

  • Yes! We do. Our current instructors offering privates are Jazz, Jo, Yeireline, and Asia. Privates cost $125 per hour. Reach out to us at for scheduling.

  • Our classes are 1 hour and 15 mins long.

  • The safety of our students and staff is our top priority. We maintain high cleanliness standards, ensure equipment is regularly inspected and maintained, and keep class sizes limited to allow for personalized attention and instruction.

  • Progress in pole and movemnt varies individually, but we generally recommend attending classes 2-3 times a week to see consistent improvement in strength, flexibility, and skill.

  • We require a minimum of 12 hours' notice for cancellations. If you cancel with at least 12 hours' notice, your session credit will be returned to your account for future use.

    We offer a one-time courtesy credit refund for a late cancellation per 12 month period with will automatically apply to your account. The credit date will not reset when it is returned to your account. This means it will still carry the original expiration date. Subsequent late cancellations will result in the loss of session credit.

Movement Classes

High Vibrational

Skill level: Open to all movers
Instructor: Jo
Day: Sundays at 1 pm

The path to becoming the highest version of yourself starts with connecting to your deepest wisdom through alignment of body and mind. In this class, we'll break down any limiting beliefs with functional movement designed to increase mobility and strength with a flow that allows you to feel into your power. Every class centers balancing poses and a deep focus on the breath. Results may include: connecting to your highest wisdom, enhanced intuition and more self love.

Pole Level Classes

Intro to Pole

Skill level: Open to all movers
Instructors: Sammy Picone & Yeireline
Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays at 6 pm

With a focus on basic movements and strength conditioning, this session serves as the ideal stepping stone to our Level 1 classes.

You'll learn to engage your muscles in new ways throughout this series, laying the groundwork for more advanced techniques and seamless transitions that you’ll encounter in future class levels.

This fundamental series is ideal for anyone without prior movement experience.

Level 1

Skill level: Level 1 and Up
Instructors: Sammy Picone & Yeireline
Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays at 7:30 pm

In this class, you'll refine your basic spins while introducing new, more dynamic movements and combinations.

This class is designed for those who have existing foundational pole experience, or for students who have completed our Intro to Pole sessions and feel confident moving up to the next level.

We recommend completing at least three to four Intro to Pole classes prior to registering for this class.

Level 2/3 Spin

Skill level: Level 2 and Up
Instructor: Asia
Day: Wednesdays at 7:30 pm

Looking for intermediate and advanced spin pole? Step into this mixed level session to explore more complex pole combos and transitions. We’ll focus on strength, refinement, and making seamless transitions to create advanced flows. Find tricks like inverts, splitty combos, laybacks and more.

This session is not for beginners. Students should be comfortable with inverting, climbs, and pole sits.

Pole Conditioning

Skill level: Beginners and Up
Instructor: Asia
Day: Wednesdays at 6:00 pm

This class is a necessity for anyone looking to build strength and endurance to create smoother transitions, lengthened lines, and overall pole progress. You’ll incorporate use of the pole and floor to train foundational basics, technique, muscle engagement, breath control, and more.

This class is recommended for students that have taken at least 3 Intro to Pole classes and is a great addition to normal pole classes. Trust us when we say, conditioning is everything.

Flow Focused Classes

Beginner Basework

Skill level: Level 1 and Up
Instructor: Jazz the Poler
Day: Saturday afternoons

With a focus on piecing together foundational movements from our Intro to Pole series, Beginner Basework will prompt you to explore the concept of fluidity through guided pole sequences. In this class you’ll strengthen your balance, control, and core strength on and off the pole, which are key components for the more advanced combos you’ll encounter in future levels.

Beginner Basework is not an intro class. We recommend completing at least three to four Intro to Pole sessions prior to registering for this class.

Pole Tricks & Combos

Skill level: Level 2 and Up
Instructor: Jazz the Poler
Day: Saturday afternoons

During Pole Tricks & Combos, we’ll explore a variety of shapes and transitions to help expand your pole vocabulary and build endurance. This class focuses on conditioning and technique as a basis for refining movement. Students should feel comfortable with climbing, inverting on both sides, aerial inverts and one-arm spins.

This is NOT a beginner-friendly class, and is recommended for students in Level 2 sessions and up (or at an intermediate - advanced level).

View our full schedule of class below